Meet the team: Margarett Waterbury

We are sure that you all know Margarett, and you know why? Well, she is our Marketing Director and our pen behind our monthly newsletters. Margarett is the chair of PBSCA’s marketing committee, she runs the newsletter, helps with communications and grant writing, and pitches in with events. Outside of the association, she’s a writer and author focusing on food, drink, travel, agriculture, and culture — which, of course, means that she loves Bologna.

Born and raised in the Seattle area, Margarett spent a school quarter in Firenze as a teenager before moving to Portland in 2004, then somehow managed to finagle herself into a career that lets her travel to Italy for work every now and then. She’s a longtime contributor to local and national publications, edits a trade magazine for the spirits industry, and consults with businesses and nonprofits on all things communication-related.

Have requests for topics, events, or other items to include in future editions of this newsletter? Email her at

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