Ricette dai Nonni Series - Natale

While you may not be a big fan of anchovies, their strong flavor is diffused by the breadcrumbs, leaving a muted essence. You’ll be surprised!  Buon Appetito!

Nonno’s Anchovy Pasta (Phil Style)

Spaghetti pasta (about 4 boxes)

4 tins anchovies

About half a container of Italian seasoned breadcrumbs (or make your own)

Lots of garlic

Drain, rinse and pat anchovies dry with a paper towel

Cook in a fry pan with a little fresh olive oil and the garlic;

When they start to mush up add the breadcrumbs until you have a dry, crumbly texture.

Drain the pasta, loosely (so there’s a bit of water still) and toss with the anchovy mixture. That’s it!